Thursday, 31 May 2018


Intermediate group B is comprising by 19 students from grades 1001 and 1002 of the morning shift  from  Misael Pastrana Borrero school. Their ages are between 15 and 18.
Taking into account our institutional methodology that consists on organizing English groups by levels, considering their interests, motivations, abilities and skills in the acquisition of this second language rather than the degree to which they belongs to. The group chosen to carry out this project is the basic one in cycle V, who are characterized by having some difficulties in the acquisition of English, sometimes not very interested because  they believe that English  is not necessary in their lives. 

Their strengths are not focused on this subject, which makes this exercise become a challenge for the teacher, and of course, for the students, who definitely need more support and motivation to communicate and interact using English language. For that reason,  the project also  seeks to encourage students and reflect on how important it can be to speak a second language and the opportunities that this brings.

It should also be emphasized that despite being a heterogeneous group from the academic, because mostly during their previous years have had difficulty in learning English, their personal characteristics are very different.
Most of them live in the Lomas neighborhood, in a social stratum  1 and 2, however these social characteristics have not prevented them from feeling interest and commitment to the project, since it has been a different way of building knowledge, approaching English and more particularly, to reflect on important problems for our city and our surroundings. 

The project "EARTH IS IN OUR HANDS" arises from the need to motivate and improve the levels of language of the intermediate group B through the approach and adaptation of the suggested curriculum that the education ministry does, also, taking into account the Basic Learning Rights, the XXI Century Skills and the Project Basic Learning approach.

The chosen module is the one of Sustainability since along with the students, we consider that this one is directly linked to the Herbario Virtual Bilingüe project, which has been developed during the last three years with the students of grades 1001  and 1002 , what It makes more sense and relevance to this project, because the students of the intermediate level B could felt more identified and interested with this topic. 
Taking into account the characteristics of the group and the school, we have designed   and implemented  our project, considering  how important  is to evaluate the impact of human being actions on the environment as well as  understanding and analysis some of the 17 sustainability objectives proposed by the UN.

During the fist session and after a long discussion, we made the following decisions:
Module: Sustainability.
Goal: evaluate the impact of the human being actions on the environment.
Driving Questions: How can we make the world a better place to live in? 
Final Result: A campaign about responsible actions. 


  1. its an interesting class because it helps me to know more about the environmental care

  2. Personally, I think It is an Interesting, proyect because we learn to take care the environment


  3. I think it's a very good class because we entertain ourselves knowing more about the environment.

  4. personally think it's something very interesting because we learn new things about the environment

  5. I Think It Was Very Interesting And We Looked At New Things

  6. i think that our proyect is very interesting and funny because we learn in a funny way

  7. I believe that the classes have been very interactives and each class is a process where we learning as people thinking more about the enviroment

  8. It is an interesting project because we leardning more

  9. it is an interesting and funny project because we play and share

  10. personalmente pienso que estas clases son necesarias para crear conciencia entre nosotros y el mundo by lopsan lara

  11. it is an interesting project because it dynamic

  12. I think that in the group in the that i am is very funny every thing we have done have been very interesting.


  13. I think these classes help us to create awareness and feel a little bit of tranquility

  14. In this class we were given
    some posters where we would put phrases on how to recycle and make people aware

  15. It Is A Very Nice And Interesting Class Because We Learned More About English And The Environment.


  GRADO 901 Y 902 JM  Apreciados estudiantes  de Noveno a continuación encontrarán la guía # 1 de este tercer periodo tanto de español como ...